My Accountability Struggle: What I Learned When I Couldn’t Even Finish This Post
Join me in an honest reflection on discipline, setbacks, and why progress isn’t always a straight line.
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Hi everyone!
Today’s a journaling day. Mainly to hold myself accountable.
This post will probably be short and sweet because the message is simple: Don’t be like me.
The Accountability Struggle
About a week ago, I started writing an article on accountability. Ironically, I’ve had to hold myself accountable just to finish that post. Yeah, don’t be like me.
At first, things were going smoothly. I timeboxed the task, as I usually do, and that typically works. But this time? It didn’t. Don’t be like me.
The next day, I tried picking it up again, but none of it made sense. I ended up scrapping everything, and ever since, there’s always been something “more important” taking priority. Yep, don’t be like me.
A Familiar Mantra
Lately, this phrase—"don’t be like me"—has become somewhat of a mantra. It’s a reminder not to fall back into my old habits. But let's be real: sometimes, it's just hard to stay on track. And I know I’m not alone in this.
Life has its ebbs and flows. Productivity surges, then wanes. I have to constantly remind myself that what really matters is the overall trend—a gradual upward trajectory. Maybe today was a -0.5% day, but tomorrow, I’ll be up again. This applies to every area of life. Don’t believe me? Take a look at the S&P 500 chart.
Progress Is Never Linear
Take weight loss, for example—I’m on that journey myself (and that’s probably a topic for another post). The trick is to remember that ups and downs are part of the process. The key is to zoom out and see the bigger picture. Whether your goal is to lose weight or master a skill, you want the overall trend to move in the right direction. That’s what keeps me going.
I’ve got my goals, and I’m going to achieve them.
Join the Accountability Crew
Today, I’m inviting you to share your thoughts on accountability. Do you need someone to help keep you on track? I’d love to build a community where we can support each other. Prefer something more private? That works too. Let’s find a way to create something meaningful together.
Thanks for reading, and remember:
Don’t be like me.